
Showing posts from July, 2021

GitLab : A New Learning experience

Hi There! Hope you are doing good! So, for my current project work I am learning GitLab for utilizing DevOps methodology for ETL pipelines in existing system. Here I am sharing my experience as I learn GitLab with you. Hope you find it useful.  So, let's get started... First and foremost... What is  GitLab? It is a web based CI/CD tool for version control of your projects at the GitLab server. If you are familiar with some sort of version control(e.g. GitHub or Bitbucket), then starting to work with GitLab will be comparatively easy.(yayyyy!!) According to upgrad, "GitLab is more focused on offering a features-based system with a centralized, integrated platform for web developers, when compared with the popular counterpart GitHub.  Since the team continuously brings new features, it becomes a good option if there is more continuous integration happening in your project." Reference: S...